Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Beza RON95 dengan RON97;maklumat ringkas
Antara info pasal minyak ni....
Kerajaan Memperkenalkan Minyak RON95 Gantikan Ron92, Harga RON97 dinaikkan...
Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Menteri di Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) telah mengumumkan pengenalan gred minyak baru di pasaran iaitu RON95 bagi mengantikan penjualan RON92. Menurut beliau, minyak bergred tersebut akan mula dijual hari ini dan akan diperkenalkan di seluruh negara secara berperingkat.
Minyak RON95 akan dijual pada harga RM1.75 seliter. Untuk makluman, harga RON92 yang dijual sekarang ialah RM1.70 seliter.
Dalam masa yang sama, kerajaan akan menaikkan harga bagi minyak RON97 dari RM1.80 seliter sekarang kepada RM 2.00 seliter berkuatkuasa 1 September nanti.
Kenapa menaikkan harga Minyak RON97 ?
Menurut sumber, minyak RON97 merupakan minyak bergred premium dan kebanyakkan kereta hari ini tidak memerlukan minyak gred setinggi itu. Difahamkan Enjin Campro keluaran Proton boleh menggunakan minyak gred RON95 tanpa sebarang masalah. Oleh itu, penjimatan dari menaikkan harga minyak RON97 boleh digunakan untuk menampung subsidi minyak RON95 yang lebih standard untuk kebanyakkan kenderaan sekarang.
Apakah yang membezakan antara RON92, RON95 dan RON97 ?
ROAD OCTANE NUMBER atau singkatannya ialah RON ialah ukuran bagi ketahanan bahan api daripada ketukan enjin (engine knocking). Ketukan enjin terjadi apabila campuran udara dan minyak di dalam silinder meletup berbanding proses pembakaran yang sepatutnya.
Secara ringkas, lebih tinggi gred sesuatu minyak, lebih tinggi rintangannya kepada ketukan enjin.
Adakah penggunaan minyak RON yang lebih rendah menyebabkan prestasi enjin merosot ?
Harus diingatkan bahawa nilai oktana tidak ada kaitan dengan kandungan tenaga di dalam bahan api, ataupun kelajuan bagi api palam pencucuh untuk sampai merentasi kebuk pembakaran. Ia hanya ukuran ketahanan bahan api terhadap nyalaan sendiri.
Oleh itu, ia sepatut tidak menjejaskan prestasi enjin. Namun begitu, anda masih perlu memeriksa keperluan gred minima bagi enjin kereta anda. Difahamkan Enjin Campro boleh menggunakan RON95 tanpa sebarang masalah ketukan enjin.
Beza RON 95 dengan RON 97
Harga minyak naik.....
Price of RON 95 at RM1.80 from Tuesday (Update)
KUALA LUMPUR: The newly introduced RON 95 fuel is now priced at RM1.80 - five sen higher than the previous RM1.75.
Meanwhile, RON 97 is upgraded as a premium product and has gone up to RM2.05 from RM1.80.
Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the new prices were decided based on the current method of Automatic Pricing Mechanism (APM).
“Although the price is now 5 sen higher, the Government is still subsidising 33.81 sen per litre (of RON 95) which is equivalent to RM304mil monthly,” he told reporters after the launch of Primax 95 by Petronas here on Monday.
Currently, the Government is subsidising RON 97 by 42.72 sen per litre.
The cost for RON 95 went up 102% from USD$ 40.75 per barrel to USD$ 82.30 in December last year and August respectively.
“If there is any changes in the global prices, we would revise it accordingly. It is up to the Economic Council to decide.
“RON 95 also adheres to the EURO2M specification where it can lessen pollution,” said Ismail Sabri, adding that consumers would get quality petroleum at a subsidised price.
With the new pricing, Ismail Sabri added that RON 92 was phased out from the market as the usage was only 5% from total petrol sale in the country.
In April last year, then Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Shahrir Samad said the Government was considering the use of petrol with higher research octane number (RON) to reduce fuel subsidies without hurting the lower-and-medium income groups.
A higher octane number means higher resistance to engine “knocking”. “Knocking” could possibly damage the engine over time.
Petrol Dealers Association of Malaysia president Datuk Hashim Othman said petrol stations could easily recalibrate their pumps to adjust to the new price.
“With technology, all you need to do is push some buttons. It is almost automatic in most stations now, except for a few in the rural areas which are still using the manual system,” he told The Star.
He added that petrol dealers would make a slight gain with the price increase as they had bought their current stock at the old price.
“It is only a little as the price increase is small,” he said.
Gadoh 2009
Gadoh, a 70-minute feature film that explores our perception of identity and challenges our hatred of the “other”. It is produced by KOMAS, a Malaysian human rights organisation and directed by Brenda Danker and Namron.
Gadoh tells a story of a group of teenagers who fought each other along racial lines; a cycle of hatred and violence further escalated by their environment and school system.
What was to be a quick resolution to improve the school’s bad image, was taken as an opportunity for one teacher who believed that real change was possible. She ropes in the help of an old friend and reluctant maverick theater activist for this arduous task.
Is there hope amidst the cycle of discrimination that surrounds us?
Watch Gadoh for their story, and what it may very well tell us about ourselves.